Transplant Systems Ltd
Urbinati Destacker for heavy plastic trays
Urbinati Destacker for heavy plastic trays
Urbinati Destacker for heavy plastic trays
Urbinati Destacker for heavy plastic trays
Urbinati Destacker for heavy plastic trays

Urbinati Destacker for heavy plastic trays


The Urbinati Heavy tray denesting machine, is a machine designed specially for the heaver trays used in commercial vegetable and forest nursery production. The machine is incredibly reliable and ingenious in it simplicity.

Many companies tried to solve the issue, and over the years we have seen many a denesting machine beaten by the weight of the hard plastic trays. When the urbinati engineers release there machine grower quickly replaced old noisy and dangerous machines for the simplicity of this one. If you click on the video tab and watch the machine in action you will want one too.

 It is very wasteful to have a staff member feeding trays into a tray filler when a machine can do it so well and at a fraction of the cost. No matter if you run 100 trays per hour of if you sow 800 trays per hour, and Urbinati denester like this one can match itself to your production speed. 

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